Kourtney Kardashian, a figure renowned for her bold pronouncements and frequent appearances in the media, recently opened up about a surprising aspect of her identity. In a blog post on her lifestyle website, Poosh, she disclosed that she identifies as autosexual. This term, explained by therapist Casey Tanner, refers to the experience of feeling arousal from one’s own eroticism. Kardashian elaborated on autosexuality as a means of feeling attractive in one’s own skin and appreciating one’s body, whether through self-care rituals or simply admiring oneself in the mirror. While the concept might be unfamiliar to some, she suggested that many individuals experience it to varying degrees.
Her frank revelation elicited mixed responses, with some fans reacting with skepticism or mockery. Nevertheless, Kardashian stood by the legitimacy of autosexuality, insisting that it is more prevalent than commonly believed. While some may view the notion as self-centered, her open discussion fosters a wider dialogue about diverse sexual identities and personal preferences.