I once asked my Japanese colleague, Teacher Yamamoto, “When is Teacher’s Day celebrated in Japan, and how do you celebrate it?” To my surprise, he replied, “We don’t have a Teacher’s Day.”
I was taken aback by his answer and found myself questioning whether it could be true. I thought, “Why does a country known for its advancements in economy, science, and technology not recognize the invaluable work of teachers?”
One evening after work, Yamamoto invited me to his home. Since he lived quite far from the school, we took the subway together. During the evening rush hour, the train was packed. I found myself squeezed among the crowd, gripping the handrails tightly.
Suddenly, an elderly man sitting nearby offered me his seat. Confused by such deference, I hesitated to accept, but the old man was insistent, so I eventually complied.
After we got off the subway, I turned to Yamamoto for an explanation about the old man’s gesture. Yamamoto smiled and pointed to his teacher’s badge. “The old man saw your teacher’s badge and, out of respect for your status, gave up his seat,” he explained.
Knowing it was my first time visiting Teacher Yamamoto, I felt it would be inappropriate to arrive empty-handed, so I decided to buy a gift. When I mentioned this to Yamamoto, he encouraged me, saying there was a special shop nearby where teachers could purchase items at discounted prices.
Once again, I was taken aback. “Are these benefits only for teachers?” I asked. Yamamoto confirmed my suspicion, saying, “In Japan, teaching is one of the most respected professions. Japanese entrepreneurs feel honored when teachers visit their stores.”
During my time in Japan, I frequently observed the profound respect the Japanese have for teachers. There are designated seating areas for educators on the subway, special shops for them, and teachers don’t have to wait in line for tickets on any form of public transportation.
This made me wonder, why would Japanese teachers need a special holiday when every day seems to celebrate their contributions?
As I share this story, I sincerely hope our society can reach a level of appreciation for teachers akin to that in Japan. They truly deserve the highest respect and recognition!
Please share this message with all your colleagues. Let the pride swell within you!
Teacher, I bow in reverence to your name…
Rustam Bisenev