When Eileen feels that something is off with her husband, James, she hires a private investigator. But a few weeks into the investigation, the investigator wants to call it off. But why? What could James be up to that even an investigator doesn’t want to delve into?
At 33, and after being with James for so long, I thought I knew everything about my husband. We’ve been married for four years, and in the beginning, we were on the same page about the future.
We decided that we didn’t want kids right away. First, we needed to settle into life, leave our cramped apartment, buy a house, and build the kind of financial security that would make raising a family easier.
That’s exactly where we are now: in a white two-story house with a yard, savings in the bank, and two rock-solid careers. I’m an editor at a top-tier magazine, and James runs a cybersecurity team for a large corporation.
On paper, everything is perfect.
So, why does it feel like my husband is slipping away?
Lately, James has been acting… off.
He’s constantly on his phone with late-night calls that end the moment I walk into the room. Sometimes I catch the faintest whiff of a perfume that definitely isn’t mine. And, my God, the lies are subtle, but they’re there.
His attention is elsewhere, like he’s living in some parallel world I just can’t access. I’ve spent hours lying awake, imagining the worst.
At first, I tried convincing myself that I was overreacting. But that morning at work, I couldn’t keep it in. During a break, I found myself unloading on my colleague, Rachel, who sat across from me at the long, glass conference table.