Knee pain/Why it is caused and the proper way to treat it at home

It is one of the most common health problems that certainly affects everyone, especially women.

Knee pain is unbearable and excruciating and completely inhibits normal physical activity.

According to experts, knee pain is usually accompanied by swelling, limitation of normal limb movements, problems with climbing and descending stairs, standing or sitting, water accumulation in the knees, causing severe pain.

3 of the Most Common Causes of Knee Pain experts say that knee pain is mainly attributed to three direct problems.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
In the case of this syndrome, the pain involves the entire knee and is stronger when climbing stairs, kneeling or doing exercises.

Meniscus Damage
This structure of the knee is damaged and torn, causing sharp pain and swelling.

In such cases, people should see a surgeon as soon as possible.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis in adults.

It is known as a rheumatic disease that affects the joints and knees.

Knee osteoarthritis affects about 10% of men and 13% of women over the age of 60.

This disease can be caused by external factors such as injuries as well as bone deformities or aging. suggests below some very effective methods for relieving knee pain through natural home remedies and selecting the right foods.

Natural Treatments
Place ice compresses on the part of the knee that hurts. Hold it for 20 minutes and do this ritual during the day.
-Compress the part of the knee that hurts with an elastic bandage.
-Try to rest as much as possible, avoiding knee fatigue.
Take slow walks that do not affect the knees’ full activity.
Place large pillows under your knees while resting.
Add a tablespoon of cayenne pepper to a cup of olive oil. Mix together until the mixture becomes homogeneous and massage the parts of the knee in the area that hurts. You can do this ritual twice a day for a week.
Proper Nutrition
Knee pain that does not require surgical intervention can also be relieved through nutrition.

-Maintain a good diet with products that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
-Eat more fish, because it contains vitamins and helps absorb calcium, a vital element for strengthening bones.
Eat more oranges rich in vitamin C, which strengthens bones and immunity.
Leafy greens (spinach, sorrel, etc.) are an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A and C, lutein, and beta-carotene, which provide excellent protection against many diseases.
Eat more almonds, which are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Eat more ginger, one of the most valuable products for pain relief.

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