Signs the body gives when physical activity becomes harmful to health

Physical activity is essential for human health, but in some cases it can become harmful.

These cases involve when a person performs physical activity beyond fatigue, muscle pain, and ignoring body language.

By reading below, you will understand the warning signs of the body that indicate that you are overdoing physical activity.

When you overdo it with exercise and physical activity

A person has the tendency to push themselves beyond their limits, something that is very harmful, especially in the case of physical activity.

Signs that indicate that you are overdoing it are:

Feeling of severe and debilitating fatigue
Loss of energy,
Chronic colds and infections,
Weight gain,

Athletes believe that the moment they gain weight they should exercise harder and lift more weights.

This increases the risk of worsening the problem.

How to recover from overexertion

Strained muscles need time to heal and recover.

Experts recommend taking a few days off to help with the pain.

In some cases, recovery from overexertion is more difficult and can take 6 to 8 weeks.

In other cases, experts say that exercise programs should be reduced by 50 to 80 percent until the body recovers from the strain.

Experts warn that overexertion can weaken the immune system and lead to osteoporosis and fractures.

In extreme cases, a person can suffer from heart damage and other cardiac problems.

If you notice that you are overdoing it with exercise and the gym, it is a good idea to see a doctor, physical therapist, or personal trainer.

All three can provide good and accurate advice on how to protect your body from wasting away.

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