How this vegetable helps in the fight against tumor cells

The human body is equipped with certain mechanisms that, if functioning properly, can fight tumor cells.

These mechanisms are largely influenced by lifestyle and nutrition.

Recently, scientists have discovered that broccoli, horseradish, and vegetables or herbs of the same botanical group contain substances that strengthen the body’s defense mechanisms.

The importance of vegetables in the battle against cancer

Cancer is formed when certain cells get out of control, invading tissues and organs.

World Health Organization data shows that in 2018, cancer claimed the lives of 9.6 million people.

Experts have identified 100 types of the disease, which depend on the type of initial cell.

The need for new and inexpensive medications is great.

Recently, scientists have turned their attention to the world of plants to find certain compounds that can fight cancer.

Previous studies have revealed that cabbage, kale, broccoli and Brussels sprouts have many important components that fight cancer at the cellular level.

Broccoli and kale important against cancer

Experts say that broccoli and kale contain several substances that keep cancer cells from getting out of control and spreading to the body’s organs.

These substances have an inhibitory effect on the spread of cells and experts believe that by using these components, they can create new effective drugs against the disease.

The components of such vegetables are very effective against prostate and breast cancer in particular.

One of them is called sulforaphane, which is responsible for human genes by turning off those that increase the predisposition to dangerous diseases.

Daily consumption of broccoli and other vegetables is very important for the body.

In addition, broccoli is very rich in vitamins C and K, which are important for the skin, heart, brain and bones.

One cup of broccoli provides 80 milligrams of vitamin C and 93 micrograms of vitamin K.

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