Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell Reveal Reasons for Leaving Los Angeles After Years of Residency

One of Hollywood’s most iconic couples, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell, are leaving Los Angeles after experiencing two alarming break-ins at their home. In a recent episode of Kelly Ripa’s podcast, *Let’s Talk Off Camera*, Hawn revealed that the increasing crime rates in the city have forced them to explore safer alternatives, such as Palm Desert.

She recounted the frightening experiences, which involved burglars unlawfully entering their property and stealing valuables through a compromised secured door. Just four months after these events, they faced yet another burglary, leaving Hawn feeling perpetually anxious and on edge.

These incidents are part of a troubling trend of high-profile break-ins in 2024, which have also targeted other celebrities like Corinna Kopf and King Bach. As a result, the couple began to reassess their future in Los Angeles. Hawn expressed that the allure of the city no longer outweighed the risks, leading them to prioritize their safety and peace of mind over the glitz and glamour of urban life.

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