According to a new study by Australian researchers published in the scientific journal “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”, consuming 5 or more cups of coffee a day affects the liver and significantly increases the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
According to experts at the Western Australian Institute of Medical Research, increased coffee consumption increases the risk of various health problems (cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, etc.)
As part of their research, Australian scientists tried to analyze the substances, “protectors” of the cardiovascular system contained in coffee. One of them is chlorogenic acid (CGA), which, according to the findings, has protective properties against type 2 diabetes, hypertension and obesity.
Through experiments conducted on mice, scientists found that consuming large amounts of coffee, including decaffeinated coffee, led to impaired liver function, which resulted in the accumulation of fat.
“At the equivalent of 5 or 6 cups of coffee a day, our study results were inconsistent with previous studies on the protective effect of coffee,” says assistant professor Vance Matthews.
Tests showed that when mice were given a dose of chlorogenic acid equivalent to five or six cups, they developed problems with liver function, which led to abnormal fat retention inside the cells.
In the case of obese rodents, this specific dose appeared to increase glucose tolerance and insulin resistance.
“It seems, therefore, that the positive effect of coffee on our health depends on the doses we consume,” emphasizes the expert.