The mystery of the river in Peru, the water temperature reaches 100 degrees Celsius – burns the victims alive

The idea that the temperature of the river’s water can boil victims alive may sound like something out of Greek mythology.

But believe it or not, it’s real and it’s located deep in the heart of the Amazon, reports the Telegraph.

The Shanay-Timpishka River is a region in Mayantuyacu, Peru, where the water reaches temperatures of 100 degrees Celsius.

Andres Ruzo, an explorer of the river, said that the highest temperatures ever measured in this water are 100 degrees Celsius.

“If we calculate the average temperature that should be used to make coffee is 55 degrees. It’s hard to physically imagine the heat of the water. If you put your hand in it, you would know you had second or third degree burns within a second,” Ruzo added.

While the river may sound like a nightmare, scientists from the University of Miami say they can now provide data “through the open window.”

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